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autoethnographic journal (art).pdf
My research aims to delve deeper into dance beyond its surfacelevel enjoyment to uncover how it profoundly impacts my personal growth and emotional expression. Through an autoethnographic approach, I intend to explore my own experiences with dance,…

This study highlighted the background, questions, constructs, research model, and data collection and analysis of four four constructs were developed to better understand 1) the extent of welcomeness Black students feel in academic libraries and 2)…

DML - Catledge Scott Pate 2016.pdf
Debriefing for Meaningful Learning (DML) is a facilitated approach to learning. It combines experiential learning with reflective discussion. This project explores creative ways to incorporate DML into academic encounters.

Partnering with students to enhance the pipeline of future nursing researchers.pdf
Research is an integral part of nursing practice, yet undergraduate nursing and high school students considering a career in nursing rarely have exposure to nursing research. A collaborative project engaged BSN students in faculty-mentored research…

poster_48x24 template (1).pdf
My research is about understanding how drawing helps me learn better and improve my skills. I will use my own experiences with drawing to look into how it can be more than just a hobby and help us grow. By talking about my own journey and looking at…

ARTE 260-KAREN Peavy.pdf
"I aim to conduct an autoethnographic study of my personal experience as a mother and college student at USC Lancaster through poetry. My research explores the hallenges, successes, and unique perspectives that arise when balancing the roles of a…

Ariana Bachini - SEACSM Poster Final 1.24.2024 Spoonflower.pdf
"BACKGROUND: Strength training is an important component of health as it can impact body composition and continued functional ability. This is particularly important to athletes as they constantly participate in physically demanding activities.…
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